It's Jen from An Adventure in Literacy. I've spent the last
three summers traveling coast to coast on cross country trips. One of the
highlights of these trips is the opportunity to hit all of the national parks.
Most people know about the amazing beauty and natural resources that national
parks offer, but I'm here today to share some of the educational resources too.
The majority of national parks have bookstores in their
visitor centers. In addition to park resources, most of them have an AMAZING
selection of children's books. There are nonfiction books to learn more about
the features and characteristics of the park. There are also fiction books
related to the parks. I'm talking about
quality children's literature.
Carlsbad Caverns even had a book display by the elevators highlighting a few books!
Some visitor centers will give you 15% off with a
teacher id on some items. As with all teacher discounts it depends on the park
and can change at any time, but it never hurts to flash that teacher id and
just ask!
If you have children of your own they can take advantage of
the free Junior Ranger program. The program is individualized for each park,
but it usually requires some sort of learning activities specific to the park
and a junior ranger patch. You can read more about the program here.
If you're not near the visitor center resources, the National
Park Service also offers some great web based resources. There is a kids page
as well as a teacher page where you can search for lessons and resources. You
can also visit the websites for individual national parks for educational
resources. Just click on "Learn About the Park" then "Education".
National Parks are America's largest classrooms. Be sure to take
advantage of all of the educational resources they have to offer. Do you have a
favorite park or park resource that you use for education? Leave us a comment.
We'd love to check it out!