Phonemic Awareness and Phonics
Catch it! For this, students stand in a circle (or sit) and the teacher says a one syllable word. She tosses a bean bag or small soft ball to a student, who catches it and says the initial sound, tosses it to another student who says the medial sound, and tosses it to another student who says the final sound. The whole group says the whole word again as the bag gets tossed back to the teacher and she picks a new word to try.

Dribble ball, switch from left to right hand, as say phonemes in a word or syllables in a word for extra challenge and brain work, switch hands as you say each sound or syllable).
I'm Going on a Camping Trip: You know the song! Sit in a circle and clap with a steady beat. Go around the circle and everyone repeats the sentence - "I am going on a camping trip and I am going to bring (fill in blank)". At each student's turn, he says the word of what he is bringing. Each student could think of a word with the same initial, medial or final sound as a word you are working on, or a rhyming word.
Twister with Blends: I have found phonics and other reading games for Twister all around the web, but this is a new "twist" (haha!) on it. Head over to Apples 4 Bookworms to get the simple and easy (and really fun) directions!
Walk this Way: The teacher says a simple sentence like"The lion roars". Students repeat it and take one step forward for each word in the sentence. Then, students say how many words or steps there are in the sentence. It might help for students to hold up a finger for each word to help them count the number of steps/words. A variation is that students can also walk backwards or sideways for this activity.
Sight Words
Move, Groove, and read: This game is from the blog Mom to 2 Posh Lil' Divas. She has some terrific, creative ideas for learning games. Head over to her blog for details but it involves target words, music, and lots of moving. I want to play this one!
Word Family Slam: This one was spotted over at the blog Toddler Approved, but I think kids well into elementary school would enjoy it. You could even do it indoors with a free wall and a soft ball. Head over to get the info.
Beach Ball Sight Words: You probably have seen or heard of this idea before, but grab a beach ball, a permanent marker, and write your target words. Toss the ball and read whichever word your finger (or thumb - choose one in advance) lands on!

Hopscotch: Have hopscotch on the playground? Why not use chalk and on each spot, write a sight word, then toss a pebble, read the word it lands on, and hop away, skipping that space.
Bean Bag Toss: If you have bean bags and one of those bean bag toss goals with the holes in it, try labeling each hole (with a taped on sticky or index card) with a target word and kids have to read the word they are aiming for and then read the word (it might be a different one!) that they actually toss the bag into. What else could you use if you don't have something with holes in it already? I bet someone has a creative and easy idea - let us know!
Sight Word Bowling - use dry erase markers to write sight words on an indoor bowling set, and after knocking pins down, students read the words on the pins they have to stand back up for the next player.
Jump Roping Rhymes: With your group, create a jump rope rhyme with antonyms, synonyms, homophones etc. (or words from a word family you are working on), then go outside and try it. Kids can teach their classmates at recess, too!
Step Forward/Back: Group could line up and students could suggest antonym pairs (students would take one step forward and one step back for each word in the pair) or synonyms (2 steps forward)
Sound Marching: Teacher says, "We are going to say some words that have more than one syllable. We will march as we say each part of the word." Model by saying the whole word, such as "doorknob" , marching first with your right foot as you say "door" and then with your left foot as you say "knob." Practice together and then try some words with students. After each ask them "How many marching steps did you take for the word? That is the number of syllables."
Raise Up: Teacher says a two (or more) syllable word. Students repeat the word as they raise both their arms above their heads. Students drop one arm as they say each syllable.
Vocabulary and Comprehension
Students move like the animals in the story they are reading
Teaching prepositions using movement
Using body language to show how characters are feeling in the story
Playing charades to review main ideas
Role play or pantomime to retell important story parts
Letter Recognition
Alphabet Hunt on the Go: With clipboards, pencils and papers walk around the school looking for examples of each letter of the alphabet. Kids could write the letters as they see them or you could provide them with a checklist.
Also, any of the Read the Room and Write the Room activities you see all over the web, at TPT and so on are great for getting students up and moving.
Here are a few other resources I found with some terrific ideas:
RMC Health - great post on the importance of exercise and movement based learning opportunities in schools - useing movement andmusic to improve insttuction - resources on movement and learning - lesson plan resources that involve movement
Dr. Martha Eddy's resources for incorporating movement in the classroom
Please comment and let us know how you use movement in your language arts lessons. The more ideas we have, the better our instruction can be!
Wow Bex ! What an awesome compilation of movement and reading games ! Perfect for the end of the year too when kids get the wiggles !
ReplyDeleteThanks so much !
I would so love to be in your classroom! So much fun! Thanks for sharing these ideas. I am going to bookmark this one for ideas for the rest of the year ~ survival mode!
Reading Toward the Stars
One of my favorite posts! Thanks for these excellent ideas, Bex! I shared on my Facebook page just now, and I hope my readers come and visit. :-)